6:45 pm / 8:45 pm Oct 10 - Mar 20
Play for competition. Play for fun. Play for exercise.
This league is arranged into a number of divisions where the teams with the most points play in the A division. This ensures you are playing against like caliber teams and all games are competitive.
6 games will be scheduled for 6:45 pm. If there are more than 12 teams in the league, additional games will be scheduled at 8:45pm. We will endeavour to schedule all teams to play an equal number of games on the 8:45pm draw.
Schedules and draw times will be posted on the SACC website.
League Rep - Steve Moss - 867-446-9681 or ykmossman@hotmail.com and Laurence Roy - 250-803-1920 or theroys@telus.net